カトリック平塚教会報 第128号 2023年12月24日発行
Church Bulletin / Informativo Parroquial

平塚教会主任司祭 トーマス・テハン
己を空しくすることは、満たされることにつながります。神聖な要素は、存在の奥深く、つまり本当の私たち自身の中にあるのです。それを失うわけにはいきません。私たちの課題は、神の似姿になることです。そのモデルはイエスです。私たちはイエスに弟子として従い、すべての被造物を統合して分裂と分離を克服するというイエスの使命を分かち合うのです。それはあなた自身から始まります。私たちの心に愛があれば、そのことはすべての被造物に広がっていきます。それが、私が皆さんに抱いている希望です。クリスマスおめでとうございます。 (訳:M.U)

Second Chance Thomas Tehan
In my last instalment I mentioned my brother John who was diagnosed with cancer of the lungs and at that time he was told that without treatment he would have four months to live. That was almost two years ago. This past August and September he met with two consultants and after examination he was told by the oncologist that his cancer has stabilized and that he should come back for another examination in three month’s time. The second consultant examined his eyes and was pleased with the progress he had made. He no longer needed an eye patch, with his contact lens his vision was good enough to be able to drive again.
For John it was like being born again. He had been totally dependent on his wife Bernie, especially for going for a walk. He has again taken up volunteer work at his parish church Dundrum where they have three to four funerals every week. He summed things up when he declared that he was on borrowed time and that he was going to make the most of it.
I myself can relate to that since my heart attack twelve years ago. Gratitude for the gift of life increasingly enters my consciousness. Deciding on what is essential and necessary now helps me to focus better and let go of what is not needed more easily. In fact it is a choice for a simple life. Most people who have been granted a second chance would have experienced something similar.
I think of Christmas itself as a second chance that God offers humanity. God so loved the world that he sent his only begotten son, Jesus as St. John tells us in his gospel. The important aspect of the sending was that it was out of love. What did that love entail. It was self-emptying.
Divinity manifested itself in the birth of a little child. Human beings will always be fascinated with the birth of a child. The beauty and vulnerability of a child as a child explores and experiences different stimulations from those surrounding it. God came down to our level so that he might invite us to join him at his exalted level. That is what the mystery of Christmas is about.
The self-emptying becomes infilling. The divine element is in the depth of out being, our true selves. We cannot lose that. What our challenge is that we become in the likeness of God. Jesus is our model. As we follow Jesus as his disciples, sharing in his mission of uniting all of creation and overcoming division and separation. It begins with yourself. With love in our hearts it will extend to all creation. That is the hope I have for you all. Happy Christmas