今、この瞬間について、「はい」 と応えよう

カトリック平塚教会報 第127号 2023年8月13日発行

Church Bulletin / Informativo Parroquial

平塚教会主任司祭 トーマス・テハン

 兄が、今この瞬間について「はい」と応えることができて、私はとても喜ばしい気持ちです。受胎告知に対する聖母マリアの返答が思い出されます。み心が行われますように。 (訳:M.U)

Say ‘yes’ to the present moment  Thomas Tehan

 Life is full of surprises. Eighteen months ago my eldest brother John was diagnosed as having cancer of the lung. It came as a shock to him as the discovery was made during an annual check-up. The further shock was that the usual treatments radiation, chemotherapy were not possible because his immune system was very low.
 Fortunately the hospital near his home has an oncologist and she explained to him that a new therapy was being developed and asked him would he be willing to try it. He immediately said yes. He later told me that he did not see any other option. It was a really difficult time as it took numerous attempts to find a vein to insert the drip.
 He endured this for about a month and felt relieved when a port was installed on his chest that just needed to be cleaned on a regular basis. The therapy was scheduled for every three weeks. He was examined each time beforehand so that the medical concoction could be administered to help his immune system. After twelve months a review was made and the result was that the cancer had not spread.
 However after therapy sessions he spent days recovering as his energy level would drop. So he had good days and bad days. I had an arrangement with him to speak to him each Thursday. At the beginning he was very reluctant to talk about his condition and seemed always to be in a hurry to be elsewhere.
 His local parish is Dundrum, a vibrant parish in the south of Dublin. Years ago he volunteered to help out on the finance committee. Later he volunteered to help out as sacristan and during the covid period they had three funerals almost every week.
 The review mentioned above also resulted in his oncologist telling him that the therapy could only be continued for another year at best because of the strain on his system. Just before Easter he got an infection and was hospitalized. He was put on steroids and with that his treatment was suspended. He had a fall and again he was hospitalized. However this time he hit his head and he almost lost his vision. The initial concern was that he had injured his brain, but nothing showed up. Then he consulted an oculist and was told that his vision would heal in possibly nine months. So last week I had my usual session with him last Thursday. We talked on Skype.
 I was surprised first to see him looking so well after what had to be for him a difficult time. He was sitting up in bed and immediately started telling me about his condition. Previously I had to try and break through his usual remark that everything was fantastic. He was forthcoming about his deteriorated vision telling me he had triple vision, everything appeared as three. He now had an eye patch, which he weares resting one eye each day.
 He had been told that he could not drive, and that he would need assistance when walking and he needed to walk with a walking stick. He was enthusiastic about the challenges that faced him. He talked with ease and gratitude that delighted me. He joked with the oculist when he told him of possibly receiving back his vision in nine months and he termed a fourth stage cancer patient. At the outset of his treatment he had been given four months to live! Like myself he is on borrowed time.
 I’m so glad that he was able to say ‘yes’ to the present moment. It reminds me of Mary’s ‘fiat’, thy will be done

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