
カトリック平塚教会報 第126号 2023年4月9日発行

Church Bulletin / Informativo Parroqial

平塚教会主任司祭 トーマス・テハン

私たちも、キリストのうちにいることによって、この使命に加わります。したがって、私たちが聖体拝領の中で得るもっとも大きな贈り物は、私たち自身を変化させる機会をキリストに捧げることなのです。キリストは本当に復活されました、アレルヤ。 (訳:M.U)

Christ is Risen  Thomas Tehan

Life is not static. It is dynamic and constantly changing. Dying or letting go is part of that dynamic. The seed must die so that the plant takes root. We all witness each year the rapid changes that takes place in nature in spring each year. New life appears in abundance. It is fitting that we as Christians celebrate the life, passion, death as well as resurrection of Jesus in spring. However do we really connect the ordinary changes in life with the life and death of Jesus?
We are all familiar with appearances of the resurrected Jesus to his apostles before his ascension into heaven. These appearances make clear that Jesus has been transformed. His physical body which died has been transformed and manifests things such as entering a locked room, eating with his disciples and being present in different places. We gather from this that his form has changed.
When we think of what Jesus did at the last supper when he took the bread and said ‘this is my body which is given up for you’ and again taking the chalice ‘this is my blood which will be shed for you and for many’ and he enjoined on them to do this in memory of me. We continue this tradition in our Eucharistic celebrations.
Who is Jesus? He is fully human but also divine. He took on the suffering of the world. He allowed it to change him, and hopefully us so that we would be freed from the endless cycle of projecting out pain elsewhere or remaining trapped inside of it.
Often our focus has been on the individual Jesus and his second coming. This was the process of growth in the early church. However the corporate nature of Christ open up the meaning of Jesus’s death and Resurrection to the universal. It is interesting to note that in the apostle’s creed the words ‘he descended into hell or the dead’. What does it mean? The resurrected Jesus joins all who have gone before him so that he might lead them into the glory of God. The corporate act of transformation of all living things.
Jesus is the manifestation of Christ. Christ being with God in creation and with God in sustaining everything. Jesus in his life turned the accepted thinking about God on its head by becoming human and taking on all that that entailed to the point of suffering and death. He showed us how to connect the human and divine and invites us to do the same. Love and suffering are out best ways of entering into this process.
Everything is, including ourselves because of God’s love. What often blocks that love is our refusal to change and let go. Another block is the attachment we have to retributive justice, which is considered the norm in human societies. It means that punishment is required where a wrong has been committed. However Jesus never punishes anyone in the gospels. Instead Jesus talks about restorative justice which is based on the loving mercy of God. This opens the possibility of forgiveness without punishment. Jesus’s mission was to restore right relationships between God and his creation. We participate in that mission by being in Christ. Hence the great gift we have in the Eucharist affording Christ an opportunity to transform us. Christ is truly risen, Alleluia.

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