


 2020年には茅ヶ崎の修道院にもどり、一時メキシコに派遣されたあと、2021年からはENCOM YOKOHAMA(カトリック横浜教区難民移住移動委員会)のスタッフを務めています。ENCOM YOKOHAMAは、出身地や国籍にかかわらずすべての人が共に生きる多文化共生社会を目指し、日本で生活する移住者とその家族への支援を行っています。支援の内容は、食料の配布や行政手続きのお手伝いなど、日常生活に関する支援のほか、DV(ドメスティック・バイオレンス)の問題に直面することもあります。DV問題は被害者の生命に関わるので、弁護士や警察、行政機関と連携して被害者を守る活動をしています。


“Dear brothers and sisters, let us have a good journey together! May we be pilgrims in love with the Gospel and open to the surprises of the Holy Spirit. Let us not miss out on the grace-filled opportunities born of encounter, listening and discernment. In the joyful conviction that, even as we seek the Lord, he always comes with his love to meet us first.” (Pope Francis message during the opening of the Synodal Path in Rome)

When asked to give a message to my Hiratsuka Filipino Community, the thing that came to mind immediately is the encouraging words from our Pope Francis. The above phrase is what I would like to share and for us to bear in mind together.

We are a part of one big family of God. As members of this one family, we are called to journey together in unity despite our diversity. Our diversity of culture, language, personalities, backgrounds, age, experience made it sometimes difficult to work together and sometimes threaten our unity. There are instances of misunderstandings and discord among us but time and again, we realize that our faith in God challenges us to overcome our personal limitations and invite us to open up ourselves to be courageous and generous in reaching out to others, setting aside differences, going out from oneself, be generous in offering oneself for the good of our community, to whom we feel we are called to build and nurture together. We believe in the God who called us to journey in the path of loving one another and be the living witness of God`s love. We listen to the Holy Spirit who inspire us to be creative and open to make possible the way to mutual forgiveness and reconciliation so that we grow more as one family of God. We follow Jesus in his example of loving and giving himself by reaching out not only to each other in our community but also to our sisters and brothers struggling to live and survive in our society. Likewise, as community we are called to journey, listen, and discern together on how we can become more responsible and committed citizen of the earth in taking care and protecting our environment, our mother earth, our one and only common home.

I believe that it’s not just a coincidence that we live in Hiratsuka and goes to the same church. I am certain that our loving compassionate God called each one of us to be here in our community in Hiratsuka, so that we can mutually take care of each other, help each other, and journey together in love as one community of faith!

Indeed, it is a pleasure and a joy to walk this beautiful journey with you as a church, as a community of faith certain that the God who called us together is always present and alive among us and accompanies us always!

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