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カトリック平塚教会報 第125号 2022年12月24日発行

Church Bulletin / Informativo Parroqial

平塚教会主任司祭 トーマス・テハン


Incarnation  Thomas Tehan

    When I hear the word incarnation I think immediately of the birth of Jesus some two thousand years ago. We celebrate Christmas each year to remind ourselves that God is with us when we use the word Immanuel.
  We are touched in our hearts that Jesus was born as a vulnerable child and how the story of the birth as related by the evangelists mention that shepherds were the first outsiders to witness this event as were also three people who followed a star from the east until it settled over the manger where Jesus lay.
St.Francis added other touches with animals present as we have in the Christmas crib. St.Francis hoped that we would realize the mystery unfolding of God humbling himself and taking on the vulnerability of the human condition so that we could appreciate that we too have a divine destiny.
Jesus’s birth and life was a particular wonderful event, and because it was particular we can readily relate to it. However scripture opens up for us the universal background to this. I would like to look at this incarnation of Jesus as being the second incarnation.
If we go back to the beginning of the Bible we find in the creation accounting that the spirit hovered over the waters and that the first act of creation was ‘let there be light’ and there was light and it was good.
However in St.John’s gospel chapter one we have the words ‘ in the beginning was the Word and Word was with God, and the Word was God; he was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him and without him nothing came to be. Whatever has come to be, found life in him, life which for man was also light’.
Throughout the whole universe there is one constant and that is the speed of light. Even in darkness there are neutrinos of light. God’s essence consists of the relationship between Father, Son and Spirit. As this relationship of love overflows into a material visibility through creation. Material creation depends upon it’s visibility through light. I suggest that that light is Christ, who is present in the essence of all created things.
Then it makes sense to look at the stars and wonder how many light years they are away from us. Now with the Wabble telescope we can reach back further than we have ever been able to do.
The mystery of life infinite. Christ has been with his manifestation of God’s love through his created universe and will be forever. Christ is the universal presence and Jesus is the particular presence. The macrocosm and microcosm in relationship.
Positing two incarnations sheds light on Jesus’s incarnation. The second incarnation flowed out of the first, out of God’s loving union with physical creation. Maybe this might deepen and broaden our faith in Jesus and the Christ. May we never cease to be amazed at God’s abundant love in sharing with us the mystery of life.

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