カトリック平塚教会報 第130号 2024年8月11日発行
Church Bulletin / Informativo Parroquial

平塚教会主任司祭 トーマス・テハン

From Silence through to Peace Thomas Tehan
Mother Teresa has left us her understanding of the journey from Silence to Peace. You might call it the spiritual journey or process. Many people, old and young feel something lacking amidst the luxurious living that seems never to satisfy our inner longings. We continue with our daily routines and wish that there was more to life. We seem stuck and attracted to out escapes through addictions of various kinds.
We have had some good moments when we felt alive and fully ourselves. As went grow older it is easier to be caught up in the darkness than the light. Yet the call is to live in the light.
Silence is a very good place to start. It is difficult to be silent in a world surrounding us with noise and distraction. Some people even are fearful of silence. The silence I’m talking about is not the silence of the lack of noise but solitude. Solitude is a great gift which allows you to be yourself and enjoy your existence without having to do anything.
From my experience I learned it when I was young. I look back on my younger days when it was customary in my family for the family to go for a walk on Sunday afternoons. In school my classmates on a Monday morning would be talking excitedly about the latest Superman matinee series. At that time I wished I had been at the matinee and questioned why my father was so insistent that we go for walks.
However wisdom often comes with age, and I’m so grateful to my father for that early training in silence especially in the countryside. Silence is the basis of all relationships, with oneself, others, nature and with God. It is a learning in how to let go of the chatter that continually occupies out minds and thinking. The fruit of silence is prayer.
Prayer is the openning up to the mystery of life. To learn that you are loved and accepted and allowed to be yourself. It starts with moments of gratitude, and develops into praise and joy that someone greater than yourself has your interests at heart. Possibilities begin to open up and then you realize you are not on your own, but part of a larger community. So through prayer you are led to faith. This the growing up period when you discover your own individuality and begin to dream of your future.
The fruit of faith is that you are open to choosing what you want to do with your life and who you want to do it with. You fall in love or are attracted to someone you want to be with and share what you are experiencing. You may at this stage choose marriage or some other vocation. People around you will notice a great change in you as you become more thoughtful and considerate and you become capable of doing things you never dreamed you would be able to do, such as forgetting yourself and reaching out to those most vulnerable especially your own small children.
So the fruit of love is service. This is the stage when we realize particularly in disasters such as earthquakes, that we all need one another and have a desire to help out whenever possible. Our hope is that others will reach out to us in similar circumstances. You might call this stage the giving away of ourselves.
Jesus and Mary are good role models for this whole process. The fruit of service is true peace as we become the light of the world. May the Peace of Christ be with now and always.