カトリック平塚教会報 第131号 2024年12月22日発行
Church Bulletin / Informativo Parroquial

平塚教会主任司祭 トーマス・テハン

The Light of The World Thomas Tehan
Science has brought many advances in the way human beings live, yet the world we live in is becoming more out of control. We have gone through one of the hottest summers on record, typhoons and hurricanes are increasing in strength, drought and flooding are more frequent, forest fires out of control are common. We know that global warming is a problem, and yet we soon return to our normal way of living.
Helplessness might be the first step in making us realize we do need help. But the help we need is more in the internal area, rather that the rational. We seemingly are in darkness in need of some light to guide us.
My suggestion is that the church in her wisdom chooses John chapter one for the Gospel reading on Christmas Day. We are accustomed to the nativity scene in Luke. It is beautiful and important for us, but it lacks the depth of John’s understanding of the Light of the World.
St. John begins his gospel thus:
‘In the beginning was the Word
the Word was with God
and the word was God
He was with God in the beginning.
Through him all things came to be,
not one thing had its being but through him.
All that came to be had life in him
and that life was the light of men,
a light that shines in the dark,
a light that darkness could not overpower.’
The Word is the Son in the Father, Son and Spirit of the Trinity relationship. We call the Word Christ after the manner that St. Paul uses regarding the resurrected Christ that he encountered on the road to Damascus. St. John and St. Paul keep reminding us of the mystery we are all invited to share in. You could call it the communal memory. We are all one in Christ. Difference is a gift to be respected and nourished. We have a need for a common meaning and goal in life.
Our faith keeps reminding us of God’s love for all things and that God is in all things. While fear and anxiety are temptations to withdraw from life, the light of life calls us to follow him and trust his Spirit to lead and guide us from within. The Body of Christ is for our sustenance and nourishment for the journey through life. We are privileged to be invited to share in carrying on the creative work of God.
The Birth of Jesus is the particular, while the Christ aspect is the universal. May we nourish and grow both aspects in our own lives and help others to do the same. May you and your loved ones all share in God’s gifts and blessings.