カトリック平塚教会報 第129号 2024年3月30日発行
Church Bulletin / Informativo Parroquial

平塚教会主任司祭 トーマス・テハン

Christ accompanies everything, including you and me. Thomas Tehan
I got a phone call asking me to visit Mrs. N. Mrs. N had been discharged from hospital because the fracture she had from a fall was considered inoperable because of her age. So she was back in the facility for the elderly. The last time I visited her was before covid. I was told that she was not in pain.
As I approached the facility with a parishioner, I remembered what the facility was like. We gained entry immediately and got a warm welcome at the front desk. We had an appointment, but on checking Mrs. N was being attended to at that time. So we were put in a waiting room at a table with the dividing screen on top, a reminder that covid was not over.
Ten minutes later we were taken to Mrs. N’s room. Mrs. N was lying on the bed and beside the bed there was a TV screen. Mrs. N responded favorably when she heard I was a priest. The parishioner and I were aware that the noise of the TV was not conducive to prayer. However our search for the remote control was unsuccessful, so the parishioner unplugged the TV.
I was standing near the bed but realized there was a small mat with Mrs. N’s shoes on it between me and the bed. I wondered whether this was connected to the front desk and set off an alarm or not? I let that thought go. Mrs. N was aware that we were starting the prayers and joined us. I anointed her, and at Communion time the parishioner suggested it would be best to break the host and to administer the particle with a spoonful of water.
Mrs. N consumed the host. She was very serene and calm. I finally prayed the blessing and noticed Mrs. N made the sign of the cross with enthusiasm. Her face on the right side still carried the purple marks of her fall, she reached out to take my hands and offered her gratitude. Her hands were lovely and warm and I knew my hands were still cold. What caught my eye as I turned away was the wall in front of the bed full of photos.
Mrs. N asked us to visit her again. I later reflected that the photos on the wall reminded Mrs. N about the presence of Christ in her life and that as Christ has been present in her life up until now, that Christ would be with her in leading her to everlasting life. Her serenity, calmness and gratitude would indicate that fact.
So as we celebrate Christ’s passion, death, and resurrection Christ is representing everything including you and me. The individual human being Jesus and the divine Christ. Christ does not come from another world, but is intimately connected with all of reality. So a good place to start is to look for Christ within you. Where there is love Christ is truly present whether we are aware of it or not. Moments of inspiration and love, and even moments of gratitude can open us to that awareness.
My visit to Mrs. N maybe a way to start looking at the great things God does for us in the ordinary events of our lives. May the light of Christ enlighten you and your family.