特集 世界各国の聖母マリアへの愛
ロザリオを通じた聖母マリアへの愛(フィリピン) 豊田テレサ
パンデミックの間、家々を巡るロザリオの祈りは中止されました。新型コロナウイルスの脅威により、互いに会っていっしょに祈る機会がなくなりました。しかし、神のおかげで、私たちの取り組みと精神的指導者であるメルセス会のSr. ジョイの協力により、オンライン・ロザリオが始まりました。毎晩9時半から10時半まで、グループは集まってロザリオの祈りを捧げます。山口県、熱海市、相模原市、横須賀市からの友人たちも参加しています。

The Filipino Catholics are known to have a strong devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary. They honor and love Mary as the Mother of God and manifest this by devoutly praying the Holy Rosary. In the Philippines, this is popularly known as “block rosary,” a Filipino- Catholic style of neighborhood devotion of praying the rosary in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Filipinos believe that their prayers and intentions are easily heard and answered by God through the intercession of the Blessed Mother.
This is the reason why the Filipino community at Hiratsuka church remains to be faithful in praying the “house to house” rosary. They also believe that by doing this, they can express their love for the Blessed Mother, and at the same time, can unite themselves with their fellow Filipinos. They pray the rosary every 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month, after the English mass. The pastoral leaders of the community together with other volunteers, brings the statue of the Blessed Mother to the host family who joyfully receives her. The Blessed Mary stays with the host family for a month or depending on the availability of the family. What makes this act very special is that the host family together with the group prays together, bringing into mind everyone’s desired intentions, that of the community, and the church. The joyful gathering always ends with an “agape,” where they eat, enjoy, bond and share life, together.
During the pandemic, the house to house praying of the rosary was stopped. The chance of seeing each other and praying together was impossible because of the threat of the corona virus. But thanks be to God, our initiative together with the help of Sr. Majoy Garcia, MMB, our spiritual mentor and guide, the on-line rosary was launched. Every night, from 9:30 to 10:30 pm, the group meets, and pray the rosary together. They are joined by friends from Yamaguchi-ken, Atami City, Sagamihara City, and Yokosuka City. Praying together on-line, helped each one become connected with each other and aware of each one’s struggles and challenges. It became a venue where the group can share freely and openly their fears and difficulties, especially during the time of the pandemic. Having the on- line prayer community strengthened the sense of family because from there, each one learned to express their love and concern for one another through prayers or other gestures of help. It was affirming to know that everyone felt the sense of security in each one’s presence through the on- line community.
Currently, the group assumes a valuable role in promoting the life and mission of the church, by giving more time to animate the community and by holding various fundraising activities like bingo game, putting up of food stalls and bazar shops. The raised funds are allocated to the different recipients like, support for the church, financial help for the victims of calamities in the Philippines, scholarship aids to the underprivileged children who want to study, in the communities of Bohol and Zamboanga.
We look back with gratitude as we remember the late Sr. Marcy Jacinto, MMB, who helped us organize this prayer group. Her memory will continue to inspire us to become joyful evangelizers of God’s love through our love and concern of bringing the Filipino community together to receive Jesus in the Holy Eucharist and other sacraments.
What binds us together as Filipino community in Hiratsuka and other neighboring parishes is our love for the Eucharist and our devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
●扉の聖母 (ペルー) 森重シンシア

Virgen María de la Puerta
La consagración de la Virgen María de la Puerta de Otuzco es la más venerada por el pueblo del Perú y se celebra con especial fervor en el pueblo de Trujillo. Es una fe que comenzó en el siglo XVII. Debido a la protección que se esperaba de ella nació este culto y creencia que ahora se extendió por la zona norte del pais.
Siglos después, el Papa Francisco se sumó a esta ferviente devoción nacional y continuó su viaje apostólico en Perú con una visita a la ciudad de Trujillo la tarde del sábado 20 de enero. Además de los sucesores de Pedro, también hay 35,000 seguidores de Mamita de Otusco, como cariñosamente llaman a Nuestra Señora en la región. El Arzobispo Héctor Miguel rindió emotivos homenajes a Nuestra Señora.
